Sunday, May 20, 2007

17th May, Thursday

We had to take a train (RTA) to this greyhound bus interchange, where the bus took us to Sandusky. And we were finally picked up by the CedarPoint people. *phew*

Forgot to mention.. It was bloody cold.... We (okie, just me and xy) were in spaghetti straps and on the train when everyone who boarded the train was in coats and thick jackets..
we got a full feel of the weather once we stepped out of the building..

i know it dun look like, but with the wind from lake erie blowing...
we were bloody cold laa...

and FINALLY after 36 hours of travelling and on the move...
we finally settled into our dorm..which was... erhm..
pathetically small..

but well, we made ourselves comfortable there..
xy said we were living like refugees! given our mess and all.. haha.. well...

and more mess...

my messy bed

eating noodles for dinner... =)
Anyway, i forgot to mention that.... jf's luggage lock got broken by the TSA pple!
The entire lock actually came off in their "random" search..

gosh! wad did she bring that might have looked suspicious and caus them to inspect her luggage?
and guess wad.. it must be this! :p

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