Sunday, June 3, 2007

Me and winnie's night walk

well, we started our walk with some zi lian photos again..
xy and jf was on night shift..

night view of cedar point from the gigantic ferris wheel.

winnie on the ferris.

and me!

after that, we walked on.. until something caught winnie's eyes..
kawaii neh!

and after two failed attempts to catch the elmo and cookie monster,
i saw this! waaah!
big big gorillas!

but den again, we like this better.
Ridiculously cute head-dangling-monsters.
Ugly but adorable. :p


and we saw this in one of the shops.
a mug for me!

finally, the theme park was about to close
and we so din stay long in the snoopy shop to take more photos..

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